Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cybernetic Arm Console

Evening ladies and gentlemen. I am proud to announce that the very first ever Indigo Eclectic product is finished and ready for distribution. It was a long and arduous road to get here, but at long last the Indigo Eclectic Cybernetic Arm Console has been completed. Not only that it comes in three color variations: Teal, Blue and Orange. At L$105 a piece, how can you go wrong? Better yet, buy the Fat Pack including all three for only L$225.

Each part of the item (excluding the two glowing bands) is custom textured, with high quality textures created in Photoshop with baked ambient occlusion, which gives the items a more natural look and feel. The main body has several scratches and other "imperfections" to give the item a slightly worn look, and the screen features a highly detailed display, including a side menu and a faux battery, time, net connection and volume display. A text window on the screen relates part of the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice, which is both a nod to my personal interest in mythology and to my Sci-Fi RP character (I won't bore you with the details). The console segment has several USB and SD card style slots which I carefully reconstructed in Photoshop using my own laptop as a reference.

To close out, here are a few pics taken directly from SL without any Photoshop trickery done. This should give you a clear image of what this item will look like in the game on your avatar.

Is he playing with his hair, or covering his ears?

You can't see my face, but you can definitely see my Armband.

Five steel clamps hold the console in place, so you'll never lose it running from a cantina gunfight.

Well, that should cover it folks. I've got two new projects running right now, so you'll be hearing again from me real soon. Until then, this is Wraithe, logging off.


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